Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unit 1: Assignment 1 - Charting the Hero's Journey

REMINDER:  Just so there's no confusion regarding the class split and groups, I remind you that we will only do that once in a while.  Regarding the assignment, please post this exercise on your blog as Heejae has done.  Try to write a few full sentences for each stage to explain why it is what it is.  You are allowed to post the same thing as a group.  I'd like this completed as fast as possible.  Again - marked out of 10.

POSSIBLE CHANGES:  Some students have expressed interest in changing the order of what we study, while others fear that there is simply too much.  So, we can talk about what we will cover and when, and if we run out of time/energy one of the books can be left out.  When you guys get to university, remember that summer reading is a MUST in order to stay in the game.

NOTE: The reason I have this blog is to make everything clear - so if you miss class, slept in class, or joined late, everything is here and all you have to do is read carefully.  As well, I find (as you will to) that I explain things better through writing than speaking.  So to get the most out of the class, read what's here and follow the links.

IF YOU PREFER: For those of you who might like to listen instead of read, you can download the audio mp3 versions of some material.  But you will need a torrent program:

Different Seasons - the entire book (slow DL - maybe a day).

Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption - just the story (fast DL - a few mins)

Have a great weekend :)

In today's class, we are going to split into two groups and split the two hours.  One group will come to my room to get more background on Stephen King, while the other stays in the conference room to map the Hero's Journey in a chosen film within groups of 4.

We will keep this split all semester (and perhaps the smaller groups), so remember which one you are in. Here are the groups:

Class Split

A) Eunyoung, Dongkyung,Wonwoo, Minsu,  Somin, Gwangbin, Gunwoo, Seunghyun, Junho, Sanghun, Yiheok, Jungpyo, Hyeongbin

B) Wonji, Seewan, Heegu, Min, Heejae, Hayoun, Sangjae, Changwoo, Hyunwoo, Jesik,  Taewoo, Insun, Sumin

Group Work:

1. Eunyoung, Dongkyung, Gwangbin, Gunwoo
2. Wonwoo, Minsu, Somin, Hyeongbin
3. Seunghyun, Junho, Sanghun, Yiheok, Jungpyo
4. Wonji, Seewan, Heegu, Min
5. Heejae, Hayoun, Sangjae, Changwhoo
6. Hyunwoo, Jesik, Taewoo, Insun, Sumin

Your Task:

Yesterday we talked about the Hero's Journey, so today I'd like you to further familiarize yourself with it by mapping it out in a story/film/legend/historical event etc. of your choice.  One challenge you might have is finding a story that you've all seen/heard/read, but I somehow think this won't be a problem (check out this list of monomyths that undeniably follow course).  Should I make a "NO HARRY POTTER" rule?  Try to challenge yourselves a bit, and if one person isn't familiar or you all need a bit of a brush-up on the plot, definitely head to Wikipedia or IMDB where you can find a detailed synopsis complete with spoilers.

You'll all have to discuss these stages, and also elaborate on each point (a short paragraph in your own words is fine).  Combing three act structure with the journey and character arc, Christopher Vogler (another Hollywood script guru known for work on The Lion King), helps us all out with this breakdown that's made him famous:

Copy and past the following, elaborating on each point (you can appoint a secretary if you want), and zap it into your blogs. I will be scoring this out of 10 and you'll all get the same score.


Our Film:

Why we chose it: 


1. Ordinary World:

2. Call to Adventure:

3. Refusal of the Call:

4. Meeting the Mentor:

5. Crossing the Threshold:


6. Tests, Allies, Enemies:

7. Approach to the Innermost Cave:

8. Ordeal:

9. Reward:


10. The Road Back:

11. Resurrection:

12. Return With the Elixir:

Points of contention (ifs/ands/buts):


While one group does this (you have 50 minutes - so make use of it), the rest of you will get to learn more about the supposed "Master of Horror," Stephen King.

1 comment:

  1. I had a problem with the previous blog, so I made a new one:) Here is the address
